** Please note this is COUNTER PRODUCTIVE, but because the animations are coded for 7 frames, If you want to replace the sprite with a SINGLE image, please just add the image 7 times from 0 ~7, to avoid flickering issues * This way the image is displayed twice and the "shadow" will not cause mugen to break. * Please note this is COUNTER PRODUCTIVE, Any image that has a shadow just add the same image twice, 1 for itself, and 1 for shadow. Group 190 Index 0 - Team 2 Select Cursor (Mode disabled but Menu is fully working***) Group 180 Index 0 - Team 1 Select Cursor (Mode disabled but Menu is fully working***) Screenpack The Best Mugen (HD) By evildarklxs, Octo3 replies 20.4k views 9klco March 2 1.0 / 640x480 Xedart's Ex-Mugen Screenpack with 910 Slots By Kazagami, ApScreenpack Mugen 1.0 (and 1 more) 14 replies 17. Group 165 Index 0~7 - Player 2 Done Cursor (Animated**) Group 164 Index 0~7 - Player 2 Cursor (Animated**) There's a lot of work and effort that went into these and even more that I can't explain. The background cycles through five colors that keep things looking interesting. Group 163 Index 0~7 - Player 1 Done Cursor (Animated**) The screenpack features a set of matching lifebars that has a range of colors that are very vibrant and stand out. Group 162 Index 0~7 - Player 1 Cursor (Animated**) Group 161 Index 1~3 - Alternative Random Select Images, Not used in screenpack, Just there. Group 20 Index 0 - Options Screen / Victory Screen Background Image Group 11 Index 5~7 - Alternative Versus Images, Not used in screenpack, Just there. Known jank: This screenpack uses IKEMEN's shared slot feature to allow for infinite character slots. Really cool custom made lifebars based on KOF 2002 -Support for IKEMEN's additional features and modes. Group 11 Index 3 - Darkened Background for Boxes*. Unlike MUGEN category-based select screens, it doesn't rely on an 'invisible grid' that makes switching categories confusing. Group 11 Index 1 - Select Screen Box Shadow (Black and white*). Group 11 Index 0 - Select Screen Box Layout. Group 10 Index 2 - Versus Background Image.
Mugen screenpacks fancy Patch#
20 downloads (0 reviews) 0 comments Submitted January 27 Beatmania IIDX 9th Style Screenpack 1.0 640x480 & Patch 1. Group 10 Index 1 - Select Background Image. Street Fighter Zero/Alpha 2 Screenpack For MUGEN 1.0 - 1.1 120 Slots - HD 312 Slots - HiRes 408 Slots By SDMX Info 120 slot - HiRes 408 Slot name 'Street Fighter ZERO2 ALPHA'.

Group 10 Index 0 - Title Background Image. Group 0 Index 1 - Logo Shadow (Black and white*). Replace the old sprites with your new ones, Please remember background images are 640x480. Open the system.sff in Fighter Factory 3.Ģ. Lifebar files are located in "WG" folder.ġ. Screenpack files are located in "Metal" folder. All files are located in the data folder.